Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast Episode 159 New Year Special

Nick Tann - £2 pound coin
Nick Tann – £2 pound coin

Is This Thing On Podcast
Yes, the results are in. This weeks New Years Special was voted for by the great unwashed i.e. your good selves, well some of you!

All artists that received over 1 vote were added to this weeks playlist and include these fine and talented folk: Grant Sharkey, The Cherry Bluestorms, Anja McCloskey, Emily Wolfe, Marvin B Naylor, The Fierce & The Dead, Liz Longley, Paul Liddell, Bela Takes Chase, Stuart McNair, Sean McGowan, Postcode, Clara Barker, Matt Stevens, Helen Austin, Nick Tann….of course!

Thanks for all that voted and for all of you that have taken the time to listen week after week. You are all helping support new music just by doing that.

More next week and if you are just reading this wondering which tracks I actually played then all you have to do is BLOODY LISTEN!



Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This thing On Podcast classic episode 59

Because I am away I have decided to post some old or CLASSIC episodes of the podcast to keep you all interested, hopefully….

This podcast first went live 29th November 2010 and has all the classic features. I won’t spoil the surprises but I will post the original notes below. Please remember that this is over two years old and some of the information, websites etc, do not exist and/or may have changed. ENJOY

A bumper episode this week full of wonderful stuff.

My opening track was from the magnificent Schnauser Schnauser followed by the small but perfectly formed Clara Barker.  An exclusive little track from Indigo Earth (I think), then that nice Mr Paul Lane from Unplug the Jukebox came in and told us about Under the Laurels and Johnny 5th Wheel and the Cowards.  Veronica from Boobie Wednesday told us about her site and if you click here you can see this weeks “pair of the week” and they belong to Veronica herself.

Next came a great track from Japanese indie band Suinseinoboaz with many thanks to Jpoplover for that. The sadly one off “Song Story” featured the the mighty Matt Stevens .

I then played the great Fez mentioning that if you love them or have nothing better to do then pop over to and vote for them. I then played beautiful tracks fro The LCD and Tom Caulfield finishing off with a live instrumental from me.

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On? Podcast 106

Nick Tann
Nick Tann

A bumper crop of fine music this week featuring in no particular order Clara Barker ~ With You, Owen Hackett ~ Come Back To me, Son of Eagle ~ Another Song, White Bone Rattle ~ The Feryman, The Scene Continental ~ Stranger, Black Mamba ~ To Be Honest, Leibowitz ~ So Fla So Good, Isaw ~ Massimo, Tragic O’Hara, Big Block 454 ~ Pyjamagedon, Ex Libras ~ Teenage Eyes, Drunk On Logic ~ Subcontinental Travelsick Blues and a nice little instrumental from me.

Dave Miles from A Cup Of Tea and a Piece of Cake came and talked about …….

This is the last podcast for a while as I am taking a short break.

The next podcast should go live on the 4th December. In the meantime why not catch up with some of the old podcasts? They’re all here….

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 83

Yes a little late this week as life got in the way.

I played some beautiful tunes people!

In no particular order ( I haven’t got the time!) Clara Barker ~ Care of Princess, Broken Valves ~ What is Right?, Anja McCloskey ~ Stephanie, By The Rivers ~ Run Around, Vallis ~ Accident-Emergency, Matt Stevens ~ Burnt Out Car, Raquel Aurilia ~ There’s Time, Big Block 454 ~ Blind Jack of Knaresborough, Indigo Earth ~ Land Of Dreams, Liz Longley ~ Unraveling and a little tune by good old me Nick Tann!

Paul Lane and myself talked outside a pub in the wind and I nibbled my nuts!

Paul talked about the Children of Mercy cd in aid of Cystic Fibrosis. Below is the press release


Spokane, Wash. (April 1st, 2011) — A good cause is always worth supporting, so the fact that the Children of Mercy book and CD compilation help out two causes make this project a must-see. Children of Mercy: Tale and Teachings From The World of Independent Music is a collection of stories and essays by several elite members of the indie music world that will not only open the eyes of the outside world to the independent music scene but also raise money to fight Cystic Fibrosis.

Along with the compilation CD, the book brings to light stories from the independent music scene while it raises money for the fight against Cystic Fibrosis, a disease that has affected the son of one the contributors, Swedish musician and writer Ola NybergRon Trembath, creator of the project, pursued funding for the book publishing on Kickstarter and obtained over $2900 in pledges to ensure that 100% of the profits and royalties from the book go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in the US, as well as the Cystic Fibrosis Trust in the UK.

Anna Lynne Williams of the indie folk legends Trespassers William, Anja McCloskey of Haunted Stereo& Sotones Records, Shawn Fogel of Golden Bloom, and Portland Mercury journalist Ryan Feigh, andPastime Records CEOAndy Botterill are just some of the artists, producers, label runners, promoters, writers, and listeners from the world of independent music that have contributed their essays on life in the independent music scene. A wide array of topics including, DIY, effects of the internet, performing, break ups, and indie history will be found in this treasure trove of indie music perspectives. The book seeks to open the eyes to the outside world on how tough it can be to be a solely independent musician as well as highlight why it might just be the only true way to be a real artist in the musical world. It also gives advice to those currently living the independent music “dream” or those that are interested in creating music without the fear of losing their soul to the media monster know as the mainstream.

The compilation CD was released on The Beechfields Record Label on February 8th.  The book was released through Marquette Books LLC on April 1st.  Physical CDs include artwork by San Diego based pop artist Kathie Bayne.  The CD includes tracks by MoneytreeMenhirs Of Er Grah, Lotte Kestner (Anna-Lynne Williams’ solo project), Robin Grey, Cleeman and The Pristines. The album is also currently available on CDBaby!  Tracks from the album have already been heard on WVVY in Martha’s Vineyard MA, KYRS in Spokane WA, KZUU in Pullman WA, and KJHK in Lawrence KS.  As well as features in DrunkenWerewolf MagazinePacific Northwest Inlander, and Rolling Stone (Indonesia).  FOR PHYSICAL REVIEW COPY, E-MAIL RON AT CHILDRENOFMERCYBOOK@GMAIL.COM or SIMPLY REPLY HERE AND RECEIVE ONE ASAP!

Additional Children of Mercy news can be found at: or

Children of Mercy Bandcamp:

Also find Children of Mercy on Facebook and Myspace!

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 53

A bumper episode this week full of wonderful stuff.

My opening track was from the magnificent Schnauser Schnauser followed by the small but perfectly formed Clara Barker.  An exclusive little track from Indigo Earth (I think), then that nice Mr Paul Lane from Unplug the Jukebox came in and told us about Under the Laurels and Johnny 5th Wheel and the Cowards.  Veronica from Boobie Wednesday told us about her site and if you click here you can see this weeks “pair of the week” and they belong to Veronica herself.

Next came a great track from Japanese indie band Suinseinoboaz with many thanks to Jpoplover for that. The sadly one off “Song Story” featured the the mighty Matt Stevens .

I then played the great Fez mentioning that if you love them or have nothing better to do then pop over to and vote for them. I then played beautiful tracks fro The LCD and Tom Caulfield finishing off with a live instrumental from me.

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 50

It’s a competition bonanza with literally lots of cds on offer.

I asked a question about each of the artists that I played. Email me the answer and I will send you the appropriate cd. Do you see?

First off I played Sand Rivers brilliant Kid Dust and The Black Hearts. To win one of their cds you need to answer these two questions. How much does it cost to download Sand Rivers album and where do they come from? To find the answers go to Sand Rivers bandcamp site

Then I played Estrobo by the amazing Postcode. To win a copy of their album email me the name of their myspace blog. Just go to their myspace page to find out.

Then came my favourite track from James Corachea. To win his cd just email and tell me the exact length of his song Confidence. Just go to his bandcamp site for the answer.

The lovely Clara barker was up next with a great track called Flying. To win a copy of her album Indigo just email me telling me how much it costs to buy that album on Amazon. To find the answer, guess what, go to her page on Amazon

Next was Juana Ghani and Kasojeni Bay. Go to their reverbnation site, copy their biog, paste it into an email and send it to me to win a copy of their album.

Penultimately I played a beautiful track, Newton by Anja McCloskey. To win a copy simply email me the date Anja joined myspace. Her myspace page will give you the answer.

Finally we came to my tune the day After The Night before taken from my album Don’t Make Me Wait. To win a copy of that plus some other me goodies simply email me and tell me how many physical cds I have sold of that album so far. That’s this physical album and includes ones sold at gigs and festivals.


Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 43

A frankly shambolic podcast, I even got the number wrong it IS number 43. What I DID get right was the music, they are all new artists to Is This Thing On. I played the songs of

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing on Podcast 40

In a short and sweet podcast this week I played Haunted StereoSonnyKidd RussellShoulders of GiantsColoured LinesClara Barker (rhymes with Sarah) Apoc told us about another Canadian Band this time it was Ennis and I played a track from my new album.

I ranted about a new