Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 89

Yes, that’s what it looks like!

A slightly drunk podcast this week, well it is summer and all!

Played some great tunes including The Travis Waltons ~ Millionaire, Good King Friday ~ A Simple Choice, Jason Parker Quartet ~Mance’s Dance, Lewis MacLean ~ A Better Place, April Maybe May ` Sugar & Mess, King Never ~ Sorrow, The Spiraltones  & a track by good old me I’m Gonna Break Your Heart.

Paul Lane from Unplug the Jukebox gave tongue to The Queue and also his opinion on last weeks podcast.

I’d say, all in all a blooming good show.

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 63

Is this thing on podcast 63
Is this thing on podcast 63

A look back at some of the artists I have met during the course of 2010. I started off with the great Haunted Stereo and their great tune Can You See My Side? Followed by the mighty Broken Links and Shelter Your Loss , Marvin B Naylor A Little Speck of Blue, Matt Stevens Dolls House, Salme Dahlstrom C’mon Y’all, Gideon’s Demise Glow, Jim Chorley Nothin Like Your Love, Helen Austin When We Were Young, Doyle and The Forefathers Every Woman You Meet, The Real Raj Ingenue, Indigo Earth Land Of Dreams, Jennie Walker Simon, Sand River The Reprisal (Kid Dust pt 3) and Lewis MacLean Better Than This. Then came the Watch With Mothers tune Floating Tits of Calypso finishing of with one of my tunes,a remastered version of All I Think About Is You. Pop over to my bandcamp site to listen and purchase

Have a click around and buy something eh?

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 33

In another top class podcast I play two tracks from Matt Stevens new album Ghost. Why two you may ask, because it’s that bloody good I reply! I also play a beautiful track from the new album from Eleven & the Falcons, an old favourite of mine from The Visitors, then Apoc, in a new feature, checked out my website, then I played yet another old fave namely Diana by the Wilton Project, Stephan Schwenk played a loverly tune composed by Jeroen Groot Beumer from the Netherlands. I played a rough but sublime track by Lewis Maclean (Mark Bolan anyone?) then an interview I recorded with Steve Lowis with a great song at the end. One of my tunes “Love Lies” I don’t think that is available to download anywhere but will be very very soon.

Please click on someone, buy their stuff or download it for free or join their mailing list or just make a comment about how bloody brilliant they are!

Pip Pip