Interviews Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing on Podcast – Steve Lowis Special

Is This Thing On Podcast
Yes my chilly willies, it’s another special this time the fragrant Steve Lowis came and spoke to us about his new album “Chapter” it is rather wonderful and you should go and buy it BUT BEFORE you do have a listen to this. Steve explains what it is all about and what drives him  and all that wonderful worthy stuff


Steve website with pictures and allsorts

You can buy Steve’s wonderful album with all the trimmings click click click


Nick Tann

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On? Podcast Matt Stevens Xmas Special

Matt Stevens and Nick Tann
Matt Stevens and Nick Tann

Merry Xmas one and all and welcome to an Is This Thing On Podcast,  Matt Stevens Xmas special. An interview interspersed with some of Matt’s music.

We cover topics such as babies, how Matt writes songs, the loneliness of a solo artist, will Matt EVER sing? to what kind of guitar does he use and many more.

Sit back, relax and let it all wash over you….


To visit Matt’s website simply click here



Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing on Podcast 40

In a short and sweet podcast this week I played Haunted StereoSonnyKidd RussellShoulders of GiantsColoured LinesClara Barker (rhymes with Sarah) Apoc told us about another Canadian Band this time it was Ennis and I played a track from my new album.

I ranted about a new