An open letter
Dear all artists on Facebook that post things on my wall, the wall of my music page and the podcast wall,
The best way for you to get publicity for your gig/album/musical endevour is to follow these simple steps
1 Send me you tracks following the instructions here
2 When I play your tune I will post the details on the main podcast website here giving the precise details of your website. You can THEN make a comment on that post listing anything you like from merchandise/gigs/album releases, what ever you want.
3 If, after the podcast goes out, you have other stuff to post up you can still make a comment on the website either on the latest post or on the post relating to the episode that your track was played. So that if someone searches your name on the website, your comment will also appear, you get it? That is there for ever, I have episodes going back to 2008 and I will never get rid of them.
The podcast website gets thousand of hits a month, far more than any of my Facebook pages.
Artists, I make this podcast and the website for all of us USE IT
And finally, I will not check out your website/soundcloud etc, listen to your tracks, email you back telling you which tracks I want you to play and then wait for you to send them. Neither will I download ANYTHING.
Just follow the instructions and we can all just get on with our lives
Thank you
Nick XX