Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 104

NIck Tann
NIck Tann

A lovely band episode this week featuring in no particular order Burning Shapes ~ Silence Amplifies, The Carousel ~ Thelma, Jamie & The Portraits ~ What a Croc, Haunted Stereo ~ Can You See My Side?, Indigo Earth ~ Cold Light of Day, These Fine Galleons ~ The Entity, Shoulders of Giants ~Code of a Madman, SandRiver ~ The Reprisal (Kid Dust pt2), Postcode ~ Drop Dead & Paul Liddell ~ Boots.

I chatted with Dave Miles from A Cup of Tea and a Piece of Cake fame, played an old song of mine performed by my old band and made mention of my brand new album that you should all buy!

What’s not to like??

<a href=”” mce_href=””>Bought On-Line by Nick Tann</a>

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 80

A straight music only podcast this week with very little chat by me. SHAME!

Some old, some new tunes thins week Marc Philipe ~ Red Tears, I am in Love ~ I Want you, The Tony Cannam Set ~ Suzie on a Summers Day, Bernadette Sebastiani ~ Easy to Forget, The Cherry Bluestorms ~ 4 Here, Safari ~ Quicksand, Vendor Defender ~Justin, Al Goodwin ~ The Stone That Bought The Girl, Tim Farrell ~ The Backpacker, April Maybe May ~Lost, Tom Caulfield ~ Catholic Girls, Sand River ~ My Heart is an Open Book, Salme Dahistrom ~ Delicious, King Never ~Sorrow and a little tune by me called Na Na Slide.

I did talk a bit about the podcast stats and my Facebook page but apart from that I just gushed about the great music.

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 63

Is this thing on podcast 63
Is this thing on podcast 63

A look back at some of the artists I have met during the course of 2010. I started off with the great Haunted Stereo and their great tune Can You See My Side? Followed by the mighty Broken Links and Shelter Your Loss , Marvin B Naylor A Little Speck of Blue, Matt Stevens Dolls House, Salme Dahlstrom C’mon Y’all, Gideon’s Demise Glow, Jim Chorley Nothin Like Your Love, Helen Austin When We Were Young, Doyle and The Forefathers Every Woman You Meet, The Real Raj Ingenue, Indigo Earth Land Of Dreams, Jennie Walker Simon, Sand River The Reprisal (Kid Dust pt 3) and Lewis MacLean Better Than This. Then came the Watch With Mothers tune Floating Tits of Calypso finishing of with one of my tunes,a remastered version of All I Think About Is You. Pop over to my bandcamp site to listen and purchase

Have a click around and buy something eh?

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 50

It’s a competition bonanza with literally lots of cds on offer.

I asked a question about each of the artists that I played. Email me the answer and I will send you the appropriate cd. Do you see?

First off I played Sand Rivers brilliant Kid Dust and The Black Hearts. To win one of their cds you need to answer these two questions. How much does it cost to download Sand Rivers album and where do they come from? To find the answers go to Sand Rivers bandcamp site

Then I played Estrobo by the amazing Postcode. To win a copy of their album email me the name of their myspace blog. Just go to their myspace page to find out.

Then came my favourite track from James Corachea. To win his cd just email and tell me the exact length of his song Confidence. Just go to his bandcamp site for the answer.

The lovely Clara barker was up next with a great track called Flying. To win a copy of her album Indigo just email me telling me how much it costs to buy that album on Amazon. To find the answer, guess what, go to her page on Amazon

Next was Juana Ghani and Kasojeni Bay. Go to their reverbnation site, copy their biog, paste it into an email and send it to me to win a copy of their album.

Penultimately I played a beautiful track, Newton by Anja McCloskey. To win a copy simply email me the date Anja joined myspace. Her myspace page will give you the answer.

Finally we came to my tune the day After The Night before taken from my album Don’t Make Me Wait. To win a copy of that plus some other me goodies simply email me and tell me how many physical cds I have sold of that album so far. That’s this physical album and includes ones sold at gigs and festivals.


Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing on Podcast 47

A nice chilled laid back podcast this week.

I started with a cracking tune by the mighty

Interviews Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 46

In a very packed show this week I play the amazing Bang Bangs, Sand River, Suiseinoboaz, Sophie Peacock, Coloured Lines and a track by good old me, why don’t you>> Life

I interview the fragrant Salme Dalhistrom

Is This Thing On Podcast lite

Is This Thing On LITE #1

Is This Thing On lite

This is the second in a  series of mini podcasts aimed at being inserted as a feature in existing podcasts and radio shows and  lasts just five minutes and features three samples of music from Matt Stevens, Sand River and Sonny.

It’s all part of my plan to take over the world, get people to listen independent non signed artists and to make some bloody money!

Apologies to Ben for doing unthinkable things to his design, I just needed something in a hurry.


Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 39

In a podcast that thumbs it’s nose and sticks two fingers up at the music industry I played the brilliant Tim Farrell from America, the fabulous Occasional Orchestra from England, the amazing Lite from Japan, the sublime Wax Ersatz from England, an interview from the very handsome Gideons Demise (and a tune), the stunning Mohatra from Bosnia Herzegovina, Sand river from England and a little thing I knocked up earlier an instrumental of a song I wrote a few years ago.

A bit proggy in places and there’s nothing wrong with that!