How to submit your tracks to the podcast

Hi, I have been putting out this podcast since 2008. It is available to listen to from this website and Spotify and dozens of other podcast platforms. Songs are submitted by sending an email to with an MP3 attached. Any other method is ignored.

The music must have been written and played by you. However if you are a plugger or a representative of the artist then that is cool. Every genre is considered. I chose songs I like. If you submit a song and it doesn’t get chosen, feel free to email me and ask why. I may have forgotten about it, it may not have been right for that show or I simply may have just not liked it. I will be honest if asked.


If I play your music I will email you to let you know.

The podcast is global and downloaded all over the planet, the podcast reflects that and I am willing to consider anything despite the recording quality. If you send me a song recorded on a phone I am happy to consider it as I am looking for quality of material and not necessarily perfect studio quality.

If your song does get played I will invite you to submit a track that I will add to the podcast Spotify playlist.

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