Is This Thing On Podcast lite

Is This Thing On Lite #2 Jazz

Is This Thing On lite

This is the second in a  series of mini podcasts aimed at being inserted as a feature in existing podcasts and radio shows and  lasts just five minutes.

It features three tracks played on the Is This Thing On Podcast 41 Jazz Special.

First off is Sigurdor Guomundsson with his amazing tune that translates into English as “Running on Empty”

Second is one of mine “Can’t Get Happy” taken from my album Life is a River

I finish off with the great Rainier Straschill who I inadvertently call “Rainier”. He is a prince though!

This feed is still in the experimental stage. If you can subscribe and give your opinions and any advice etc I would be most grateful and I hope you enjoy


This has now been inserted into the legendary podcaster Richard Vobes daily podcast