Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 68

Is This Thing On Podcast 68
Is This Thing On Podcast 68

It’s an Unplug The Jukebox Special and how special it was and we all were.

We played Beatitudes Piece of Mind, Johnny Dark I like The Rain, In Darklight The Human Race, David Simnell and The Pumpernickles Let Love In.

Andrew Foster came in and enthralled  us with his music as well as his chat.

Mark “Smutz” Smith bought with him tracks by The Melodramas a rare acoustic version of Jackanory and The Lost Souls Club Romeo. He also gave an insight into how he his having great success in the far east with the many bands under his charge as well as his advice on how artists can maximize their gigs.

I recorded a cheeky little tune I just can’t get happy to round things off

All got our passports handy have we?!?!?

p.s. The eagle eyed amongst you may notice that I forgot to take pictures of the events so I drew a little representation…


This Sunday


I usually use this blog to promote the podcast, however I am playing a big gig on Sunday and need some support.

If you are anywhere near, or in Southampton this Sunday come along and see me play on a big stage at one of the best venues in the south The Brook.

I’ll be sharing my spot with Chalky Gravell and top drum dude Steve Christy. Other bands playing will be The Melodramas, The Lost Souls Club and Light Divided

The Brook  is located at 466 Portswood Road,Southampton

I will be on at 8pm with doors opening at 7.30

I seriously hope I get to see some of you there and if you can’t make it I’d appreciate it if you could spread the word for me, perhaps use that retweet button eh?

Normal podcast service will now be resumed….