Is This Thing on Podcast

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Nick Tann of Arabia
Nick Tann of Arabia

Is This Thing On Podcast
What an amazing array of independent tunes I have for you this week!

In no particular order Ashbury Keys ~ Oh My God, Jonnie Murphy ~ Open Up,  The Robbie Boyd Band ~ I Won’t Let You Go, Captain Backfire ~ The Diceman, Vendor Defendor ~ Golden Shivers, Stone Them Crows ~ Joker in the Pack, Cantaloop ~ Chocolate, Lillian Todd Jones ~ Butter Soul, Kid Russell ~ C.H.I., Rycky Kay ~ Home With You, Miss Lucid ~ Another Pathogen, Nick Tann ~ Can’t Stop Missing You, Tom Fuller ~ Doing Nothing, Not Made In China ~ Sick of the Sixth, Atari Pilot ~ Rip The Floor Up.

If you want to find out about my forthcoming album and why I am NOT using a crowdfunding website CLICK HERE


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Margaret_Thatcher_Spiting_ Image_Nick_Tann


Is this the greatest music podcast of all time? Yes, yes it is!!

The Cherry Bluestorms ~ Bad Penny Overture, Rayne ~ Hide Away, Ron McElroy ~World at War, Andrew Foster ~ Panic Moon, Deadwax ~ The Rider, Sarah Griffin ~ News of the Weird, Chris Hornsby ~ Star Girl, The Dead Sea Apes ~ Soy Dios II, The Glass Child ~  Play Pretend, The Travis Waltons, Nick Tann ~ Sadder than Sad.

I rubbished music competitions and told you how to submit music. It was all rather special really….

Is This Thing On Podcast

Is This Thing on Podcast

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Nick Tann - Marilyn Monroe - with - a white dress
Nick Tann – Marilyn Monroe – with – a white dress

So my beauties, this week I bring you some amazing sounds including Bela Takes Chase ~ Take What’s Mine, Matthew Heller ~ Snake Bite, SRM ~ Iron Lung Blues, Paul Liddell ~ Monsoon Rain, Indigo Earth ~ Forces Shatter, Late Riser ~ Dick Logic, Matt Erion Orchestra ~ Compassion, Leyli ~ Le Bout de ses Goight, Matt Stevens ~ Burnt Out Car, David Cevoli ~Sat Down On The Ledge, May KB~ Conquer, Lost Souls Club~ Leave The Light On, Broken Links ~ We’re All Paranoid  and the world exclusive of me Nick Tann singing a brand new version of Give Me Some Of That.

Feedback is welcome as always and hope you can find other things to click on as you listen to this weeks show.

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Is This Thing on Podcast

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Nick Tann
Nick Tann

Is This Thing On Podcast

Yes, I don’t understand the picture either but hey ho!

Some amazing music this week from in no particular order Lanre ~ Ma Gbagbe, Lucy Kitchen ~ Autumn, Bad Belly ~ Runaway Train, Sam Page ~ I don’t Want To Think About Her Anymore, The Random Few ~ Headphones, The Travis Waltons~ The Antagonist, Race Car Hearts ~ Diesel Dawn, Plumerai Mondegreen ~ 13, Greg Anderson ~ Run For The Hills, The Little Unsaid ~ A Piece of Fruit, Flaming June ~ Nerves of Steel, Nick Tann ~ Sadder than Sad, Arnold Lane & Steve Moyes ~ Ph1


How about that?

Please remember to vote for me to win the European Podcast Awards by clicking this little yellow widget thing here
Nick Tanns Music Site click me



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nick tann
nick tann

Is This Thing On Podcast
A surprise visit by Mr Paul Lane sparks an idea for him to curate this weeks episode. Therefore this weeks selection is all down to him and wonderful it is to.

Listen to us wax lyrical about The Plimptons, No Snow No Alps, Jay Groovara, Cuddly Shark, Andrew Foster, Mike Vaughan, Anja McCloskey, Kick To Kill, Cut Corners, Heavy Young Heathens, Lite, Nick Tann yes that’s right me too!

What larks we had!

To vote for me to win, yes WIN this years European podcast awards give a little click to the badge underneath…share if you care…Thanks

Nick Tanns Music Site click me



Is This Thing on Podcast

A little help…

The “Is This Thing On Productions” event at the Attic Bar in the Railway pub in Winchester


As some of you may know, I am a working musician and have played most of the venues in the Southampton area from the pub open mics in the city to some of the biggest music venues.


I am organising the first of what I hope to be a regular event, which on the face of it, appears just, like a normal gig in a normal venue but I assure you is far from it.


I’m aiming to create a community of music fans who are passionate about music and who want to support and be part of the underground music scene. A network of people that will help spread the word about local unsigned artists. I do my best to support the scene every week via my Is This Thing On Podcast, playing independent unsigned music from around the world.


One of my bugbears are venues where artists have to sell tickets and collect the money, handing it over only to receive a small percentage IF they are lucky enough to have sold enough tickets.


My event, the Is This Thing On Productions event, aims to be different. Firstly I am selling the tickets, asking the artists simply to help publicise the event via their mailing lists, Facebook page, Twitter etc. The artists will get a fair share of the ticket sales as well as 100% of the proceeds of the raffle.


I will also be acting as compere for the event, talking to the crowd and introducing the acts so that they don’t have to walk on to an empty stage. The show will be in two halves with the artists playing two short sets separated by an interval.


So as you can see this is more than just a gig in a pub. I am creating an event that is entertaining but also pays the artists fairly without them having to knock themselves out trying to collect money for tickets. I have done a lot of work so far, I have built the website, the Facebook page, booking the acts months in advanced, printed the tickets as well as invested my own money in hiring the venue. This is the first of many shows that I hope to put on so I need you to help me make this first one a success.


So how can I get tickets?


If you want to buy tickets fill out the contact form on the website  I will email you telling you how to get them. Margins are tight and I can’t afford to use PayPal so I won’t be selling them on-line.  I may suggest that I deliver the tickets in person or that you can pick them up from certain shops that are supporting me.


But if I don’t want to go, how else can I help?


Simple publicity. You may have your own mailing list, blog or Twitter account and a mention on one of those about the event website would be a real help. Even mentioning it to anyone you think might be interested is something. Nothing like word of mouth.  I have created a press release on the website as well as profile pages for the artists that are playing at the first event on the 13th October, feel free to copy and paste anything from the site.



Is This Thing on Podcast

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Nick Tann
Nick Tann

After last weeks lady special a nice mix of brand new mans stuff!

Decode ~ Days After You, States of Matter ~ Only Lovers Left Alive, The Fierce and the Dead ~ on VHS, Casino Trap ~ Let you Go, The Dots ~ Love Divine, Andrew Foster ~ Memory Maze, MinionTV ~ Keep the Negatives, Churn Milk Joan ~ Happier, Kidd Russell ~ Juice Acoustic.

Paul from Unplug The Jukebox Came and spoke about Crinkle Cut

and I banged on occasionally making sense.


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Is This Thing On Podcast

That’s me in that picture, back when Izzy was just a few hours old….ANYWAY the podcast this week played music from Streaming Lights ~ Wait a Minute, What is Life for ~ The Rush, SandRiver ~ Goodnight Goodnight, Rieg ~ The Histrionic, Fit & The Conniptions ~ Sweet Sister Starlight, Laura Day Heaven in Youth, Jonathan Whiskerd ~ Lifeline, Indigo Earth ~ Cold Light of Day, Red Stripe ~ My Brazilian Neighbour, Shut Up Donny ~ El Boyo Productions, Zosh Cardo ~ Level My Scales, Coloured Lines ~ Atmospheres and a new song by me that can be found on the Demos and Sketches page of my music website

I did ask that you vote for me on the SlowBiz website but after recording the podcast I get an email telling me that I had already been accepted so I don’t need any more votes. Click on something else instead.



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Did you miss me? Well I’m back with a bucketfull of the best independent music you have ever heard. In no particular order I played The Cherry Bluestones – By Your Leave, Catfish & The Bottlemen – Sidewinder, Vivid Nation – We’re Not The Same, We Steal Flyers – Our World, Sigurdor Gudmunson ~ Naem, Killing No Murder – Reality TV Star, Captain Backfire – Double Kid, Jon Gomm – Gloria, Lock n Load – Lock n Load and a song from me Don’t from my new  “Big Set”.

I interviewed the amazing Anja McCloskey and she also plays a brand new track “Black Coffee” live in the ITTO studio.

I also mentioned The Hot Potatoes Podcast but you’d best give that a wide birth unless you like crazy British potato humour.

I’ll be back next week with more of the best music you have never heard.

Is This Thing on Podcast

The REAL Is This Thing On Podcast 78

Thanks to the mighty podcasting guru Pete Cogle , I can now bring you Is This Thing on Podcast 78.

This week I am joined by my mate Drew Harris as we trawl, yes TRAWL, through the music. In no particular order we Listen to The One and the Many ~ Come Around, American Hollow ~ Operator, Rieg ~ Runaway, Kay ~ To The Holy, Dead Sea Apes ~ Soy Dios-1, The Milkmen ~ Like a Drug, Mike Vaughan ~ Will We Ever get to Mars?, Pineross ~ Ruins, Fledder John ~ Evolution Song, Wax Ersatz ~ Make a Man out of Me and a little sitar song of mine called No Take Away which is only available here.

I was also chatting to Paul Lane via Skype about some band or other, you’ll have to visit his site for details. This is a pic of us chatting….

I mentioned a gig I had played at The Fighting Cocks, I blogged about it here