Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 190

Nick Tann of Arabia
Nick Tann of Arabia

Is This Thing On Podcast
What an amazing array of independent tunes I have for you this week!

In no particular order Ashbury Keys ~ Oh My God, Jonnie Murphy ~ Open Up,  The Robbie Boyd Band ~ I Won’t Let You Go, Captain Backfire ~ The Diceman, Vendor Defendor ~ Golden Shivers, Stone Them Crows ~ Joker in the Pack, Cantaloop ~ Chocolate, Lillian Todd Jones ~ Butter Soul, Kid Russell ~ C.H.I., Rycky Kay ~ Home With You, Miss Lucid ~ Another Pathogen, Nick Tann ~ Can’t Stop Missing You, Tom Fuller ~ Doing Nothing, Not Made In China ~ Sick of the Sixth, Atari Pilot ~ Rip The Floor Up.

If you want to find out about my forthcoming album and why I am NOT using a crowdfunding website CLICK HERE


Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing on Podcast 40

In a short and sweet podcast this week I played Haunted StereoSonnyKidd RussellShoulders of GiantsColoured LinesClara Barker (rhymes with Sarah) Apoc told us about another Canadian Band this time it was Ennis and I played a track from my new album.

I ranted about a new

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 38

Back to some form of normality this week

I played (in no particular order) Indigo Earth, Haunted Stereo, Matt Stephens remixed by Pseudo Ambient, Kevin Fisher, Steve Lowis, STIMULATOR, Matt Erion Trio, Jim Chorley and me.

Dave Miles was talking to Benita Johnson and Apoc was waxing lyrical aboot Another Story

My hangover suggests that this may not be as good as I may have thought it was.