Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 18

Not sure how I finished it in time but I did, just!

This week I bought you (in no particular order) Menn Arsens, Amaya Huntley, Kidd Russell, Tom Bishel, Jouis and ME!
A very funny new song review feature with Swineshead and Napoleon from Watch With Mothers (click their button on the right) a hastily edited chat with Matt Stevens about the delights of Soundcloud and Dropbox and an invitation for you to come up with a decent First Fifteen jungle the winner this week (or is it last week?) being the great Matt Taylor whose track “Fat Tuesdays Blue” I played in full at the end of the cast.

A little later than planned due to technical reasons, no really!

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 17

This episode has been archived, If you have any problems playing it then try this player

In another packed cast I played Kidd RussellThe Visitors, Tom BishelAmaya HuntlyMenn ArsinsMEJouis and the winner of last weeks First Fifteen Bubonik Funk congratulations on getting 60 votes.

A great piece by Matt Stevens on social websites for artists, fans and the discerning public. He bigged up Reverbnation , Jango and our tip for the top as the next big thing this year Ustream.

Click on things, listen to the cast, tell your friends, send me some tracks,join the Facbook group and by the time you’ve done all that it’ll be time for a new one!!