Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 65

Is This Thing on Podcast 65
Is This Thing on Podcast 65

A packed podcast this week. Not only have I got am interview And a song from the great Marvin B Naylor, band reviews from Paul Lane of Unplug the Jukebox but also some great music. A great new track Build from Ernesto Schnack, then The Cherry Bluestorms beautiful new single 4 Here, Kevin Fisher Losing You, Bangs Bangs and In Arms, Hot Vamp Club with Young Hearts Soft Shoes, Lucas Raye with Fire and Angie Foster with The Way It Should Be.

I finished off with a pre-recorded track of mine Life Is A River from the album of the same name.

A big welcome to all the new listeners from good to have you along!

Is This Thing On Podcast

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 56 Unplug the Jukebox Special

Paul Lane and I decided to do the first of what I hope with be a regular 6 weekly special of tracks reviewed by Paul on his Unplug The Juke box feature. We had a great time with not only some great tracks but also we were lucky enough to be joined by Dan from The Lost Boys who performed a track so new that the rest of his band had yet to hear it. Anja McClosky Turn - Turn - Turn - EP - Anja Mc Closkey also graced us with her presence, her piano accordion, her amazing voice and  by Andy on guitar and a fantastic fiddle player whose name escapes me but they both also join her playing as they do for Haunted StereoHaunted Stereo They made a fantastic sound!

Along with some sensible chat from Paul (I took a bit of a back seat in this one) we played some of his favourite tracks from the last few months. Tracks by These Fine Galleons, The Manic Shine The Manic Shine,  The Chase Ever, Never Or Now? - EP - The Chase,  Mutant Vinyl and I played one of Paul’s favourites but not his first choice as my throat is far to rough (I have a bit of a sore throat) to belt out That Woman. To find out what I sang you’ll have to listen.

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing on podcast 41 JAZZ Special

Ok Jazzers, have I got a podcast for you?

Packed full of lovely jazz from he likes of Sunna Gunnlaugs from Iceland, The Jason Parker Quartet from Seattle USA, Rainier Straschill from Germany, Fleeting Silence from the USA, Sigurdor Guomundsson from Iceland, The Matt Erion Trio from the USA and me from good old England!

I sound a bit tired because I was so ignore me and listen to the music.