Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This thing On Podcast classic episode 59

Because I am away I have decided to post some old or CLASSIC episodes of the podcast to keep you all interested, hopefully….

This podcast first went live 29th November 2010 and has all the classic features. I won’t spoil the surprises but I will post the original notes below. Please remember that this is over two years old and some of the information, websites etc, do not exist and/or may have changed. ENJOY

A bumper episode this week full of wonderful stuff.

My opening track was from the magnificent Schnauser Schnauser followed by the small but perfectly formed Clara Barker.  An exclusive little track from Indigo Earth (I think), then that nice Mr Paul Lane from Unplug the Jukebox came in and told us about Under the Laurels and Johnny 5th Wheel and the Cowards.  Veronica from Boobie Wednesday told us about her site and if you click here you can see this weeks “pair of the week” and they belong to Veronica herself.

Next came a great track from Japanese indie band Suinseinoboaz with many thanks to Jpoplover for that. The sadly one off “Song Story” featured the the mighty Matt Stevens .

I then played the great Fez mentioning that if you love them or have nothing better to do then pop over to and vote for them. I then played beautiful tracks fro The LCD and Tom Caulfield finishing off with a live instrumental from me.

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 56 Unplug the Jukebox Special

Paul Lane and I decided to do the first of what I hope with be a regular 6 weekly special of tracks reviewed by Paul on his Unplug The Juke box feature. We had a great time with not only some great tracks but also we were lucky enough to be joined by Dan from The Lost Boys who performed a track so new that the rest of his band had yet to hear it. Anja McClosky Turn - Turn - Turn - EP - Anja Mc Closkey also graced us with her presence, her piano accordion, her amazing voice and  by Andy on guitar and a fantastic fiddle player whose name escapes me but they both also join her playing as they do for Haunted StereoHaunted Stereo They made a fantastic sound!

Along with some sensible chat from Paul (I took a bit of a back seat in this one) we played some of his favourite tracks from the last few months. Tracks by These Fine Galleons, The Manic Shine The Manic Shine,  The Chase Ever, Never Or Now? - EP - The Chase,  Mutant Vinyl and I played one of Paul’s favourites but not his first choice as my throat is far to rough (I have a bit of a sore throat) to belt out That Woman. To find out what I sang you’ll have to listen.

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 54

Yawning Nick Tann
Yawning Nick Tann

In a packed podcast I played The Statler Project The Dirtbag Love AffairWakin' Sawsound Sawsound SRM1138, Salme Dahlstrom Salme The Lost Boys The , Lisa Hogan Lisa and IreneB IreneB

I murmured my way through as I was very tired, sorry.

I dedicate this podcast to all the lovely folk I met at the Watch With Mothers meet up on Friday “We’re off of the internet!”

I sang one of my tunes live but forgot the last verse, think I may have got away with it.

Paul Lane from Unplug The Jukebox came in and raved about The Chase

The fragrant Veronica from Booby Wednesday encouraged us to examine our boobs I hope we all will!

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 53

A bumper episode this week full of wonderful stuff.

My opening track was from the magnificent Schnauser Schnauser followed by the small but perfectly formed Clara Barker.  An exclusive little track from Indigo Earth (I think), then that nice Mr Paul Lane from Unplug the Jukebox came in and told us about Under the Laurels and Johnny 5th Wheel and the Cowards.  Veronica from Boobie Wednesday told us about her site and if you click here you can see this weeks “pair of the week” and they belong to Veronica herself.

Next came a great track from Japanese indie band Suinseinoboaz with many thanks to Jpoplover for that. The sadly one off “Song Story” featured the the mighty Matt Stevens .

I then played the great Fez mentioning that if you love them or have nothing better to do then pop over to and vote for them. I then played beautiful tracks fro The LCD and Tom Caulfield finishing off with a live instrumental from me.

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 51

A nice chilled out start to this weeks podcast with the beautiful Late Riser, followed by the equally beautiful These Fine Galleons. Matt from  King Never makes everyone feel beautiful buy that tune here Possibilities The Hostages may think they are beautiful but they’re not a patch on Salme Dahlstrom who is quite gorgeous and you can buy her track here TheWaxEsatz are from up north so anything is possible. May KB makes beautiful music so therefore must be beautiful. Paul Lane from Unplug The Jukebox isn’t as beautiful as he thinks……..or is he?

I encouraged everyone to go out and find their own X Factor out in their town unless you want to watch people who think they can sing but can’t. There are loads of musicians doing plying their trade so forget the mediocre rubbish on the tv and get out and enjoy yourself.

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 50

It’s a competition bonanza with literally lots of cds on offer.

I asked a question about each of the artists that I played. Email me the answer and I will send you the appropriate cd. Do you see?

First off I played Sand Rivers brilliant Kid Dust and The Black Hearts. To win one of their cds you need to answer these two questions. How much does it cost to download Sand Rivers album and where do they come from? To find the answers go to Sand Rivers bandcamp site

Then I played Estrobo by the amazing Postcode. To win a copy of their album email me the name of their myspace blog. Just go to their myspace page to find out.

Then came my favourite track from James Corachea. To win his cd just email and tell me the exact length of his song Confidence. Just go to his bandcamp site for the answer.

The lovely Clara barker was up next with a great track called Flying. To win a copy of her album Indigo just email me telling me how much it costs to buy that album on Amazon. To find the answer, guess what, go to her page on Amazon

Next was Juana Ghani and Kasojeni Bay. Go to their reverbnation site, copy their biog, paste it into an email and send it to me to win a copy of their album.

Penultimately I played a beautiful track, Newton by Anja McCloskey. To win a copy simply email me the date Anja joined myspace. Her myspace page will give you the answer.

Finally we came to my tune the day After The Night before taken from my album Don’t Make Me Wait. To win a copy of that plus some other me goodies simply email me and tell me how many physical cds I have sold of that album so far. That’s this physical album and includes ones sold at gigs and festivals.