Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This thing On Podcast 72

After a very tiring weekend I bring you some of the best music on the planet, namely The Statler Project ~ Been In Your Streets, Fit & The Conniptions ~ Sweet Sister Starlight, The Travis Waltons – Milliionaire, Matt Erion Orchestra ~ Reach (Simon Brown’s choice),  The Fierce & The Dead, The Real Raj ~ Safe & Sound, Steve Picken ~ High Hopes, Anja McCloskey ~ Stephanie (whose diary from America you can find at (, Steve Lowis and a track by me dedicated to all the people who supported me yesterday as I recorded the 8 tracks for my Vinyl Project.

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 54

Yawning Nick Tann
Yawning Nick Tann

In a packed podcast I played The Statler Project The Dirtbag Love AffairWakin' Sawsound Sawsound SRM1138, Salme Dahlstrom Salme The Lost Boys The , Lisa Hogan Lisa and IreneB IreneB

I murmured my way through as I was very tired, sorry.

I dedicate this podcast to all the lovely folk I met at the Watch With Mothers meet up on Friday “We’re off of the internet!”

I sang one of my tunes live but forgot the last verse, think I may have got away with it.

Paul Lane from Unplug The Jukebox came in and raved about The Chase

The fragrant Veronica from Booby Wednesday encouraged us to examine our boobs I hope we all will!