Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 120

Nick Tann is this thing on?
Nick Tann is this thing on?

Is This Thing On Podcast
A fantastic mix of marvelous music this week interspersed with clips of my adventures in Bath.

Music includes Heathward ft Louisa Osbourne ~ My Lost World, The Lewis Creaven Band ~ Around Your Neck, Tom Fuller ~ Doing Nothing, Marc Philippe ~ Red Tears,  Woven Bird ~ Saw You In Two, Ryan Peel ~ What am I Missing?, Hi Sonorous ~ Break the Cycle, Ruthless Rob ~ City Morgue, Russell Morgan ~ Surrender,  Jamie & The Portraits ~ What a Croc and a live tune by me, good old Nick Tann recorded at Ye Olde Farmehouse in Bath.



Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 90

A kind of Eastleigh Festival of Music Special…..

Paul Lane and myself discuss the event and play music form some of the people who played including Andrew Foster, Anja McCloskey, The Real Raj, The Last Child Dancing, Toupe, Steve Lowis, Woven Bird and good old me, Nick Tann.

Should be a normal show next week, what ever one of those

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 82

This weeks podcast included a track from the new Planes over Paris album ~ Distant Earth, ‘Til Dusk ~ Honey Just Walk It, The Robbie Boyd Band ~ Orion’s Belt, The Lost Souls Club ~ Your Children Are Safe With Us, Kid Russell ~ Paradise, The Jerk – Tales From the road- Sergio Beercock, The Wilton Project ~ Diana, Will Kriski ~ Kerry’s Jig, The Real Raj ~ Ingenue, the brand new self released single from Kajagoogoo  (yes, THAT Kajagoogoo!)~ Death Defying Headlines and a little track by me.

Paul Lane and I also got a little drunk and talked about These Fine Galleons.


Is This Thing on Podcast

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After a very tiring weekend I bring you some of the best music on the planet, namely The Statler Project ~ Been In Your Streets, Fit & The Conniptions ~ Sweet Sister Starlight, The Travis Waltons – Milliionaire, Matt Erion Orchestra ~ Reach (Simon Brown’s choice),  The Fierce & The Dead, The Real Raj ~ Safe & Sound, Steve Picken ~ High Hopes, Anja McCloskey ~ Stephanie (whose diary from America you can find at (, Steve Lowis and a track by me dedicated to all the people who supported me yesterday as I recorded the 8 tracks for my Vinyl Project.

Is This Thing on Podcast

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Is this thing on podcast 63
Is this thing on podcast 63

A look back at some of the artists I have met during the course of 2010. I started off with the great Haunted Stereo and their great tune Can You See My Side? Followed by the mighty Broken Links and Shelter Your Loss , Marvin B Naylor A Little Speck of Blue, Matt Stevens Dolls House, Salme Dahlstrom C’mon Y’all, Gideon’s Demise Glow, Jim Chorley Nothin Like Your Love, Helen Austin When We Were Young, Doyle and The Forefathers Every Woman You Meet, The Real Raj Ingenue, Indigo Earth Land Of Dreams, Jennie Walker Simon, Sand River The Reprisal (Kid Dust pt 3) and Lewis MacLean Better Than This. Then came the Watch With Mothers tune Floating Tits of Calypso finishing of with one of my tunes,a remastered version of All I Think About Is You. Pop over to my bandcamp site to listen and purchase

Have a click around and buy something eh?

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing on Podcast 52 Music In The City Special

Yes, a special with some fantastic music by bands who were part of Southampton’s Music In The City Festival. I start with an awesome track by a very nice man who I met in the Quilters Vault yesterday called  Mr Marvin B Naylor click his name to go straight to his bandcamp site, it’s all good. Next Doyle and the Forefathers and live version of their new single Guvnor of Giving up that I recorded at their session yesterday buy the album by clicking the little button here Doyle . A little chat from Paul Lane from Unplug the Jukebox about MutantVinyl and Ask Alfie (who is also reviewed by Paul here)then a track about his crop circle making father by Jim Chorley. A little flava of Route To Routes recorded live yesterday then another live recording of The Real Raj who was magnificent also recorded yesterday at Southampton’s Music In The City festival. Then to finish the whole thing off a brand new tune by me played live today! Buy my rubbish here Nick

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In a hastily put together podcast I played the marvelous

Matt Blake, the sublime Real Raj, the perfectly formed

King Never, The wild Will Kriski, the slightly quirky

Tom Slatter, the cruel but fair Haunted Stereo,

the never knowingly undersold Gideon’s Demise and the often

free Matt Stevens.I finished things off with an odd little song

that I hope will feature in a competition I am planning. More about that next week.

I also mentioned Pure Acoustica and Watch With Mothers.



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Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 31

In another packed podcast I play The Cherry Bluestorms (should be stones), Funky Poets, Liz Longley, squeaky wheel Jennie Walker, Mak Wolven, Tom Bishel, Paul Liddel, Tom Caulfield and I played a track from this album why not download it for free?
I did a cracking interview with The Real Raj and he played a song he wrote especially for the podcast.
Watch With Mothers Swineshead and Napoleon chatted about mini chedders whilst listening to Psychotic, Kidd Russell and Rainer Straschills remix of Matt Stevens’s Snow. Apoc managed to infiltrate
All turned out nice again eh?

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 25

In another packed podcast I played music by the fantastic Hot Vamp Club, the amazing King Never, the unique Tom Caulfield, Matt Steven’s Burning Banstands track was remixed by the brilliant LEXTRICAL and he went on to talk about blogs and cited The Hype Machine as the place to go to . I played a track from my free album Moving On.
Apoc loved Soundcloud for all the wrong reasons. I played Everyone Want’s To Fall In Love by the beautiful Sweet Tooth, I was blown away by the talented Joe Wellfair and urged you to make a comment about the stunning track by The Real Raj. The very entertaining Jason Nembhard won the First Fifteen with a breathtaking 3 votes. Not sure if this first fifteen lark is worth the effort, what do you think?

Why not join the Facebook group eh?