Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 93

The Rising ~ Thinktank, Isla ~ Love Like That, Jonathan Whiskerd ~ Life Line, KTS ~ Inside Out, Wax Ersatz ~  Out In The Cold, Juana Ghani ~ Breathing, Macdaddy ~ Hurry Hurry and a summer instrumental track from me Dream…

That nice Mr Paul Lane from Unplug the Jukebox came along and talked about Defy 4.

I played a jingle advertising  the mighty  Movie Meltdown

I reminisced about some of the old features and other such malarky….

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 50

It’s a competition bonanza with literally lots of cds on offer.

I asked a question about each of the artists that I played. Email me the answer and I will send you the appropriate cd. Do you see?

First off I played Sand Rivers brilliant Kid Dust and The Black Hearts. To win one of their cds you need to answer these two questions. How much does it cost to download Sand Rivers album and where do they come from? To find the answers go to Sand Rivers bandcamp site

Then I played Estrobo by the amazing Postcode. To win a copy of their album email me the name of their myspace blog. Just go to their myspace page to find out.

Then came my favourite track from James Corachea. To win his cd just email and tell me the exact length of his song Confidence. Just go to his bandcamp site for the answer.

The lovely Clara barker was up next with a great track called Flying. To win a copy of her album Indigo just email me telling me how much it costs to buy that album on Amazon. To find the answer, guess what, go to her page on Amazon

Next was Juana Ghani and Kasojeni Bay. Go to their reverbnation site, copy their biog, paste it into an email and send it to me to win a copy of their album.

Penultimately I played a beautiful track, Newton by Anja McCloskey. To win a copy simply email me the date Anja joined myspace. Her myspace page will give you the answer.

Finally we came to my tune the day After The Night before taken from my album Don’t Make Me Wait. To win a copy of that plus some other me goodies simply email me and tell me how many physical cds I have sold of that album so far. That’s this physical album and includes ones sold at gigs and festivals.


Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 37 Female special

In this women only special I played Anna Neale (at last!), the Amaya Huntley, Salme Dahistrom,  Lisa Hogan, Liz Longley, Kay, Marianthe Loucataris,  The Cherry Bluestorms, Jennie Walker, Juana Ghani and the hugely talented Gemma Carol singing  of my old tracks with my now defunked band People.

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 35

In this weeks podcast I play in no particular order the very talented James Corachea (England) whose video you can see below, the sublime Steve Lowis (England), the quite beautiful American duo Camp Out, Dave Miles’ Pure Acoustica interview is with the amazing James Watson, voice of a knave Tom Caulfield (England), the also very beautiful Sweet Tooth (England)  and for the first time I play Slovakian band I & Son and Lost in Wonderland (England) and the sweet gypsy tones of Juana Ghani (USA)

Some more astute readers may have noticed that I have put the country of origin for the first time. Well done…

I also mention that, thanks to everyone, I have now topped my 1000 target

I also mentioned one of my other ventures Pure Acoustica

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 29

After a week off I return refreshed and rejuvenated.
In a packed podcast I play, in no particular order the talented James Carchea, the highly original Sawsound, the sublime Pseudo, the brilliant Sonnny, the awesome Will Kriski, the easy on the ear Fledderjohn, the soulful Tom Bishel, the fantastic Tracey Shaun, the forthright Juana Ghani and the amazing Three Quarter Smile as well as me playing you my brand new banjo song live on the mic for the very first time.

Matt Steven and I chat about the gametastic Jamlegend site.

I asked that you recommend the podcast to two of your friends, you’ve done that, yes?

I think that was everything, is it?