Is This Thing on Podcast

Is this Thing On Independent Music Podcast



Is This Thing On Podcast Would be nice if you could click this big ITUNES button and give the podcast a glowing review (or a rubbish one if you hate it) THANKS  Nick xx
Yes poppets, another fine collection of independent music from some of the best artists on the planet including

Alloise – Tell Me Of Fire, Smilex – Wasted Youth, David Garlitz – I Like The Way You Move, Jen Olive _ Death of Me, Josephine and The Artizans – Dies Irae, Avishkaar – Kabse Dil, NicK TaNn – Can’t Stop Missing You

Is This Thing on Podcast

Is This Thing On Podcast 100!

So here we are, episode 100! Recorded live at The Cellar Southampton and what an afternoon Paul (Unplug the Juke Box) and I had!

Sadly no live video stream ( I broke the internet!) but some great live performances from Anja McCloskey, Marvin B Naylor, The Lost Boys, Mike Vaughan and Gideon Towers from Gideon’s Demise. I filled in with some amazing tracks from Tim Farrell and Matt Stevens ( the remixed one by Pseudo Ambient) . I chatted with Guy Sivour from Sand River,  David Simnell, and Mark Lawrence from Broken Links. It would have been mean not to play one of their tracks so I did that too!

In time honored fashion I finished of with one of my tracks Be Like Your Friend.

Thanks to everyone that came along and especially to Mark & Kev from The Cellar for letting me shout in their bar for a few hours!